What Is Jaaxy Keyword Tool About – Jaaxy Review 2024


Consider this: over 5 billion people are now online, with 500 million new keyword searches every day in Google, and that’s not taking into account Bing and Yahoo.

Does that give you an idea of how essential keywords are in terms of ranking. In this ‘What is Jaaxy keyword tool about – Jaaxy Review 2024 ‘,  I will describe the main features of this tool.

Keywords are words which a person types into the Google, Yahoo or Bing Search boxes when he is searching for something.   Google, Bing and Yahoo account for around 95% of the search market.

Jaaxy gives you a peek into what these people are searching for. Use this to your advantage. Data from all three are pulled directly within Jaaxy, giving you accurate keyword data.

All content creators understand the importance of using targeted keywords in their written articles and posts. If you’re not using a tool to identify these high-quality keywords, you’re missing out on an opportunity to increase your conversion rates.

A keyword tool is absolutely essential if your goal is to have a lucrative online business. If you’re a writer, target your keyword to maximize your bottom line. Affiliate and niche marketers, bloggers, and freelancers take note. This research tool will benefit your business in ways you can’t imagine.

What is Jaaxy?

Is Jaaxy the best free keyword research tool out there?

To beat your competition, you need to have more information  than them. Jaaxy give you the power to spy on the competition and discover why their websites are ranking better than yours.

You get insightful data about  their website’s content structure, meta tags, content quality/length, backlinks, ad placements. This data will give you a competitive edge over them.

If you’re a blogger, then you know the importance of keywords. But finding the right keywords can be tricky – especially if you’re not sure where to start. That’s where Jaaxy comes in.

This  comprehensive keyword research tool makes it easy to find the right keywords for your blog post. It’s fast, easy to use, and best of all, it has a free trial!

With the Keyword Research Tool in your arsenal, you will be able to quickly discover unique, hot and untouched keywords. These will give a boost to your SEO and PPC campaigns .

Whether you’re a beginner blogger or a pro, Jaaxy is the perfect tool for finding the right keywords for your next blog post.

Additionally, Jaaxy can help you find your niche as a beginner, understand and beat your competition, find your next domain and much more.

Read on to discover all the ways in which Jaaxy can help you in your blogging journey, rank organically on the search engine result pages and make money online as a beginner from blogging.

Jaaxy also provides you with data about the competition for each keyword, so you can choose the best ones for your site.

Lets’s dig deeper and take a closer look into the many ways in which Jaaxy can help you with your online blogging business.

A Look At The Metrics

With Jaaxy, you can see how many searches a keyword gets per month, how much competition there is for that keyword, and how easy it would be to rank for that keyword.

Let’s say you are writing an article about fishing but you are not fully sure yet what to write about. Therefore, you type “fishing” in Jaaxy. This is a very broad term but Jaaxy will give you many variations of this keyword.

Keyword – indicates the keywords in the search query. The first keyword on top is the keyword for which the search was performed, followed by relevant additionally suggested keywords.

You can scroll through the list and choose a keyword for your new blog post.

Avg (Average number of searches) – indicates accurately how many searches on average this keyword receives per month. This is an important metric as you would not want to target a keyword in your article that nobody searches for! Therefore, the more the searches, the higher the chances of your article ranking.

As a rule of thumb, you would like to pick a keyword that has at least 100 average searches per month.

Traffic – this metric indicates how many page visits your article would receive if you rank on the first page of Google

QSR (Quoted Search Results) – another very important metric that you need to understand. If you type in Google a keyword with quotes e.g. “fishing” Jaaxy will indicate the number of competing pages that have those exact keywords in their titles. So you would want fewer of these competing pages to give you a better chance of ranking.

As  blog gains authority, you can target keywords with a higher competition.

KQI (Keyword Quality Indicator) – gives an overall metric for your keyword:

The colors are based on the traffic lights.

Green is Great, Yellow is ok and Red is poor. So go for the green.

The average numbers of searches, and the QSR are the two most important numbers you’ll want to track.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – represents a score based on traffic and competition. It is a numerical representation of KQI showing how difficult it is to rank for that specific keyword. The higher the score, the more likely you will rank on the first page of search results (scale of 1 to 100).

Domains – indicates the availability of domains that match your keywords

A domain can fetch thousands or millions of dollars especially the high-quality, brandable ones which are few and far between. Uncover 100 high quality .com, .net and .org domains (the most valuable ones) with every single keyword or local marketing search

–> Saved lists tab

This feature is a useful as it allows you to organize keywords for easy reference.

You to can save selected keywords that you have picked under dedicated lists. Create as many lists as you wish and save them in CSV or TXT formats. You may view them by clicking on the tabs.

–>The Site Rank Section

An SEO dream feature, it allows you to monitor and track ANY rankings in Google, Yahoo

and Bing. And this is for ANY website

You can  also trace fluctuations and you will be notified when you achieve ranking metrics in

Google , Bing or Yahoo.

–>Search History

This stores all the keywords you had searched earlier

–> Search Analysis tab

Jaaxy  allows you to search for the top listing sites on Google, Bing and Yahoo for any keyword.You can view the metrics of ranking sites such as their title, URL , meta description ,meta keywords and Alexa ranking

–> Affiliate Programs tab

Jaaxy will indicate the names of affiliate programs like Clickbank and Commission Junction that are related to your terms in the search bar.

Additional Features

–> Alphabet Soup tab

This feature allows you to get thousands of variations of the keywords that you will struggle to think of. This is how it works:

You first type the keyword in the search bar and add a letter of the alphabet at the beginning or the end.

Jaaxy will generate a list of keywords.

For example ‘how to lose weight a (a as a suffix), how to lose weight b , a how to lose weight (a as a prefix) etc . Keep adding all the 26 letters of the alphabet to get hundreds of keyword variations.There is a bar in Jaaxy that you can scroll through all the letters.

–> Brainstorm tab

As the name implies, this tab enables you to ‘brainstorm’ for ideas. Jaaxy will give you a list of trending topics in Google and other social media sites.

The Affiliate Program Section

This is the affiliate program available for Jaaxy users.

Niches, Exposed & Uncovered

Millions of niches  have little to no competition. The Brainstorm, Affiliate Search and Alphabet Soup platforms within Jaaxy allows you to have true insights into brand new niches….within seconds

Get the Jaaxy tool here

Only Premium and Premium Plus members are paid attractive commissions


1. **Starter Membership (Free)**

– Basic features and core training.

– One website and one limited business hub.

– Limited access to research, writing, and AI tools.

Jaaxy Starter 

2. **Premium Membership ($49/month or $497/year)**

– Advanced features, hosting, and comprehensive training.

– 3 websites and 3 business hubs.

– One expert class per week.

Jaaxy Lite for research.

– Access to all AI platforms.

– Exclusive community and support access.

3. **Premium Plus+ Membership ($99/month or $697/year)**

– Extensive features, tools, and highest level of support.

– 10 websites and 10 business hubs.

– 4-5 expert classes per week.

– Exclusive community and support access.

– Advanced training resources.

Jaaxy Enterprise for advanced research.

– Access to all AI platforms and first access to BETA platforms.

Jaaxy- Different Levels Of Membership

  • Jaaxy Starter is a Free trial membership and you can get 30 Free keyword searches. I would highly recommend you to register for the Starter Trial account to experience the power of Jaaxy.
  • Jaaxy Lite is a new membership that is exclusively offered to WA Premium member at no additional cost ($0). With Jaaxy Lite membership, you will get unlimited keyword searches
  • Jaaxy Pro is a more powerful version of Jaaxy. You will get unlimited access keyword searches and a much more robust access to SiteRank, where you can track your website rankings.
  • Jaaxy Enterprise is the best value but also the most expensive version of Jaaxy that for elite and advanced online marketer.

Wealthy Affiliate Premium Member Exclusive Discount

I suggest you to sign up for Wealthy Affiliate (WA) premium membership. With this you will get access to Jaaxy Lite and you can upgrade to Jaaxy Pro later

The Jaaxy Help Section

Click this tab for 4 video tutorials on Jaaxy.

Kyle the co-owner of WA gives you a step-by-step training on the use of the tool and the affiliate program.

The Upgrade Button

Used to upgrade the membership from a Free Trial to a Pro or Enterprise versions.

As you can see, can see Jaaxy offers many  awesome features.  You can use them separately or

in combination.

Jaaxy, therefore, is the tool a  blogger needs to succeed online

Why is Jaaxy The Best Free Keyword Research Tool?

Jaaxy is such a powerful tool with all the features briefly explained above. You save lots of time analysing data which Jaaxy can do in seconds.

It’s a great investment for marketers and bloggers who want very good rankings for their keywords, pages and posts

Pros & Cons


Jaaxy is a comprehensive keyword tool for serious marketers.

It has a very easy to use interface

No software is needed to install.

The results are accurate

You can try it out if you sign up for the Starter Pack here which gives you 30 free searches


If you do not upgrade to the Enterprise version you have to click the QSR manually to see this but this is not an issue as you get the data within seconds

Starter members cannot use the Alphabet Soup feature but they can do in manually on Google

Wealthy Affiliate

You will be glad to know that anyone who signs up for Wealthy Affiliate will be given access to this powerful tool. You can try it out here at no cost to you.

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